Browse widely during open house Hier Makelaars buy and sell

[HAARLEMMERMEER] Real estate agency Hier Makelaars, started in the crisis of 2009, focuses mainly on the housing market in Hoofddorp and Nieuw-Vennep. Over the years, Hier Makelaars has grown into one of the bigger players in Haarlemmermeer for both selling and buying a house. The real estate office consists of an enthusiastic and driven team of four people; Dennis, Eileen, Pascalle, Rachelle and Lotte. Realtor and appraiser Dennis Cos tells us all about the current housing market in Haarlemmermeer and the upcoming Open House Day on Saturday, April 1.

Twice a year the NVM Open Homes Day is held. The purpose of this day is for people to get informed about what is on offer in the current housing market. Dennis: "This day is always well attended. People can get a broad orientation by viewing several houses that are interesting to them," Dennis explains. "Viewing a number of houses in succession on the same day without an appointment can be very enlightening, but can sometimes raise questions. We support them in that, by explaining what the options are for a particular purchase. But also if there are other questions, we are ready during this day."

[Housing Market Haarlemmermeer] Dennis describes the current housing market in Haarlemmermeer as "very fast," but he has also recently noticed a disturbing trend. The supply is thin and many homes are now being sold in a very short period of time. "That is actually very good actually, but we also see that the housing market in Haarlemmermeer is under increasing pressure. This is partly because people from outside the municipality are buying a house here, because in Amsterdam or Haarlem they have not succeeded in finding an affordable home. They therefore move on to Haarlemmermeer, for example. So they do not leave a home in this municipality, but they buy one. This can cause stagnation of the Haarlemmermeer housing supply. That is not good for the market, but reflects what is going on now in Haarlemmermeer and the surrounding area." Nevertheless, Dennis and his real estate agency still sold many homes last year and also helps buyers as a buying agent. "This allows you to see opportunities that you wouldn't otherwise see. As a sales broker and appraiser, I know the prices asked for a home. With the knowledge and experience I have accumulated over the past 20 years, we can offer a greater success rate to the client."

The real estate agency is affiliated with the NVM. The NVM sets strict regulations as well as educational requirements for its brokers. As a result, the brokers and appraisers are always up to date with the latest knowledge in their field. Would you like to know what Hier Makelaars can do for you? Feel free to contact us.

Hier Makelaars

Venneperhof 3, Nieuw-Vennep

0252 - 629600

Source: HC News


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